Who We Are
Montana Family Planning is a statewide network that provides access to sexual and reproductive health education and care for people across Montana. We focus on removing barriers so that everyone can receive the high-quality care they deserve.
Montana Family Planning is a project of Bridgercare, an independent non-profit sexual and reproductive healthcare clinic based in Bozeman, Montana. While Bridgercare has been a recipient of Title X funding since 1972, it recently took over the role of administering the program for the entire state. Montana Family Planning brings new opportunity for improving sexual and reproductive health in Montana.
Who We Serve
All Identities
Freedom from discrimination is just a starting point. We work every day to make our clinics more welcoming, safe, inclusive, and prepared to care for people of all identities. Language interpretation is provided free of charge for Title X clients. Please contact your clinic ahead of your appointment so that they may arrange for an interpreter.
All Incomes
Title X is intended to remove cost barriers to high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare. Services are provided on a sliding fee scale based on income. We serve clients with or without insurance and across the socioeconomic spectrum. If you don’t have insurance, cannot use it, or if a service is not covered – we will make sure that cost does not prevent you from receiving the care you need.
With Your Privacy in Mind
We take your privacy seriously and offer unparalleled confidentiality protections for clients who need them. We help you understand whether billing insurance could limit your privacy, and then go the extra mile to make sure it does not. Minors (people under age 18) do not need parental permission, and nobody needs a government-issued ID or to be a US citizen to access our care.

Meet the Team